First Consultation
During the first consultation we analyze your case and discuss the possible solutions. For this orientating talk we charge a fixed sum of 75 EUR (excl. TAV) per hour (with a minimum of 50 EUR) when our intervention ends here. When the case is opened, all performances (including the first consultation) will be settled at the agreed tariff.
Normally we work at a fair hourly rate, whether or not in combination with a success fee. The hourly rate applies to all the work done for the benefit of your file, regardless of the nature of the work (consultations, research, drawing up conclusions, pleas, transport, etcetera). The calculation method of the honorarium is agreed upon from the moment the cooperation starts.
In calculating the honorarium, we take into account your financial possibilities, whether or not it is a complicated file, the value and the nature of the case, the urgency, the result... In a legal procedure with a favorable outcome, the honorarium will at least amount to the sum of the awarded procedural indemnity (rechtsplegingsvergoeding) (VAT not included)
Sadly we cannot predict how much time your case will take up. Surely this depends on various factors, like the attitude of the opponent, the vision of the judge, etcetera. We can however give you an indication of the minimum cost of the procedure.
Advances and partial invoices
To avoid increasing amounts, we aspire to send you partial invoices regularly. That way we try to avoid unpleasant surprises. We always ask our clients before the start of a procedure, to pay a provision.
All costs related to a file (judicial costs, telephone, fax, e-mail, photocopies, consultation of databanks that are not free of charge, costs of translations,...) will be charged to the client as long as they cannot be charged to the opposite party. Again, every billing will be based on a transparent overview of all costs.The following expenses are billed at a fixed rate:
- Transport: 0,50 EUR/km
- File creation (once-only): 50 EUR